Thursday, May 1, 2014

SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - Shoulders

SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone: SuppVersity EMG Series - M. Deltoideus, M. Infrasp...: Image 1: The muscles of the deltoids (red) on the front (left) and back (right) of the body and the rotator cuff (violett), the group ...

An EMG-Optimized Routine
There is of course a myriad of ways of
combining the individual exercises, my personal recommendation for overall
deltoid development and rotator cuff strength (based on EMG
measures) would yet be as follows...
  1. Military Press - BB or DB seated, 6-8 reps
  2. Lateral raise - DB elbow-flexion <15°(!), 10-12 reps
  3. Reverse fly - machine or DB, internal rotation, 10-12 reps
  4. External DB rotations - lying on the floor, 12-15 reps

Chest Biceps Back Core Legs Triceps Shoulders
Navigate the SuppVersity
EMG Series
- Click on the desired body part to see the optimal exercises.